CRM & Alumni platform interconnection

CRM or alumni network platform already in place or being deployed?
You still need up-to-date, well-formatted data to maximize its use.

Combine the power of our solutions with specialized tools for managing relations with your students and Alumni, while complying with the RGPD.


average annual updates on the current situation of all your graduates

Data reuse over time

employer brand

Increase your response rate

Make your data more reliable by avoiding obsolete information with regular profile updates

Customize the indicators to be updated so you can quickly access the information that's important to you

Improve the quality of your exchanges with your students and alumni
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API & Partnerships

Interconnection is possible via API with the CRM, ERP and Alumni network platforms used by higher education: Alumnforce, Eudonet, NetAnswer, Oscar CRM, Salesforce, etc.

Privileged partnership with OSCAR CRM, the 1st French CRM software dedicated entirely to higher education.